Die Fluffy Wuffy, Die!

Thoughts, rants and comic observations from Matt Hayden (not the cricketer)

John J. Ray
Front Page Magazine
Stanley Gudgeon
Bernard Slattery
Tim Blair
Bitchin' Monaro
Right Wing News
Men's News Daily
The Definitve Fluffy Wuffy
Friday, November 08, 2002
The squittering fear-men-ist bimbos at NOW are spitting chips that Dubya romped home. I love the final line in this war cry: "Watch out George Bush -- here comes trouble." What, so they're going to become even more petty, irrational and mean? Gawd. Lord only knows how surreal their behaviour is going to be from now on!
Research shows that people who drink heaps of coffee (7 cups a day) are less likely to cop late-onset diabetes. Boffins reckon this occurs because of certain glucose metabolising trace elements in the coffee. But my theory is that all those trips to the loo to have a slash keep the diabetes-causing flab to a minimum.

Thursday, November 07, 2002
Princess Di's butler's attack on the Spencers makes them sound like the kind of dysfunctional family you'd see here!

Wednesday, November 06, 2002
Gawd. The alleged queenly quote, "there are powers at work in the country about which we have no knowledge" will be music to the ears of conspiracy buffs. Some no-neck is sure to claim that the CIA, the Mafia and anti-Castro Cubans killed Princess Di, and that pissed chauffeur Henri Paul was "just the patsy".
An outbreak of common sense in Berkeley? Crikey. Wonders never cease.

Tuesday, November 05, 2002
This Punch and Judy Show is old news. But why aren't there a whole plethora of ensuing PC rants in the media about the pervasiveness of male brutality? I'll tell you why: because Punch is a celebrated resident of Artsville. Artsville is a fluffy wuffy stronghold. And fluffy wuffies can do no wrong, even when they, er, do.

It's like the double standard applied to Clinton during the Monica saga. The feminist bimbos all defended him, even though he was guilty of serial lechery -- a crime worse than murder in their eyes. (Gawd. Imagine if a Republican had inserted a cigar into an intern's vagina -- they would have demanded an extra ten years in deep lock just for the symbolism.) Similarly, because he tows the line here, Punch doesn't get the full media evisceration. But imagine what would happen if an outspoken right-wing actor were found guilty of what he did. It would be a full-on feminist feeding frenzy. (Of course you have to imagine this, because no right-wing actors exist in this country. Also, right-wing actors are not as violent -- er, except for Arnie of course.)

Sunday, November 03, 2002
The Chechen terrorists were not only nasty enough to kill and stupid enough to die for their cause (whatever the hell that was), but they were also vain enough to make a home movie of the siege that resulted in their deaths. Hopefully the Russian military can learn something from it, so that no more of the terrorists' fucktard yokel mates get to realise their glorious ambitions.
The bimbo-feminist ambivalence about penises always cracks me up. When they're real and attached to men, they're oppressive. But when they're rubber and powered by electricity, they're really empowering to women.
Greenies should forget about protecting bilbies and whale sharks, and make sure that this life form is particularly well looked after and given everything it needs to thrive.


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